Our top 3 DIY projects to keep you warm!
At this rather cold start of January, we thought we would share our favorite projects with you so that you can spend winter in style!
1- Braided infinity scarf
Our advice: Do not over tighten the braid to get a wider scarf.
Why our favorite? Quick, little sewing, you can make it an “eco-friendly” project using old t-shirts.
Source: Put a Pure Duke
2- 100% wool mittens.
Our advice: Use used 100% wool sweaters that you wash and dry beforehand. This way you can machine wash your mittens since the wool will have already shrunk!
Why our favorite? You can choose original and vintage patterns using our uncle's typical sweater.
Source: Forest Quilting
Psst… we can download the pattern for FREE
3- The tuque with pompoms.
Our advice: Use a sweater that's thick enough to keep your toque warm. It is also important to choose a sweater with a ribbed knit at the bottom so that the toque fits snugly on your head.
Why our favorite? You can get away from the traditional by using contrasting colors… It's a question of getting your bearings on the ski slopes!