Un top léger pour l’été

DIY: A light top for summer

Un top léger pour l’été

Here is a super easy project to make (inspiration: Anthropology)

How to do it:

  • Cut 2 large rectangles of fabric (judge the size of the latter according to your height and the desired length: waist, hips, mid-thighs)
  • Hem at the bottom of 1 cm
  • Hem 2 inches at the top
  • From the same fabric, cut a long strip of fabric, 4 inches wide and 4 times the length of the 2 rectangles. Fold in half on the reverse side, sew, then turn over. You get a strip
  • Tie the 2 rectangles together lengthwise, leaving some room for the arms (measure from the shoulder to the armpit and add 2.5 cm of ease)
  • Thread your band through the top hem
  • Tie a knot

And There you go ! A loose, light and comfortable top for hot summer days.

Depending on your sewing experience, you can complicate the project and add box pleats for a more structured look.


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